Monthly Chronicle*Self Love*

Hello Divine Souls. Today I wanted to share a collective message that is coming through many QHHT sessions lately. And also I am learning this on my personal journey. The message is that of Self love. Two simple words we tend to think we understand the depth of. Honestly we have no clue. I speak from experience. Years ago when I first started my journey of healing, I was asked if I possessed self love. My obvious answer was, well of course I love myself! Now years later I look back and laugh at my innocence. What I am learning now is that self love is the core of everything! And is one of the most difficult things to accomplish, yet from what I understand the most gratifying and the answer to everything. Once you're in a state of loving yourself, flaws included, you can live a healthy and balanced life.  Dolores Cannon always said we have the power to heal and transform our physical vessels. Which reminds me of my favourite quote, “Believe Achieve, Doubt your out”

This might all seem so simple and it is once we make the choice to dive into the unknown. For me, understanding the source of where and why things are the way they are helps me to start finding ways to start changing things. How did we as a human collective come to this point? The answer comes from many of Dolores Cannon's books and studies through her sessions. Man created fear. (False evidence appearing real) Man created fear so that we can forget all the power we possess. And with this we not only forgot who we were, we forgot we had to love self before loving all others. So over time we were taught that to love ourselves is selfish. When in actual truth it’s the opposite. 

I myself am able to discuss this topic, for I myself have been in the process of understanding and integrating it in my own life.  For me it's been at least 2 years. And no it's not about the time, it's about the events that need to happen in order for us to awaken to these truths. I was brought up with the notion that everybody’s needs came before mine. Everyone needed to be happy in order to allow myself to be happy. So obviously I didn’t grow up doing things I really enjoyed doing. For example I was put in gymnastics (which I absolutely hated btw), figure skating and ballet…And I understand that these are not bad things, they just weren’t my thing! As I’m learning who I am, I am realising what I really would have loved was just to be outside! I’m an air sign so being outside really wakes up my soul! Also anything creative that will occupy my wandering mind. This has also helped me allow my own son to just be and discover what it is that he really likes to do and what awakens his soul. Now luckily for me he’s also an air sign and enjoys much of what I do, yet he also enjoys certain sports that I wouldn’t have and that’s completely okay! He must learn who he is in order to love himself fully.

I was once asked to write a list of everything I enjoyed doing. And do 1 thing from that list daily. Now, it took me a while to get this list going, because for me I didn’t think there would’ve been much to write, or even thought I knew myself well enough to even write this list. But one day I put my ego aside and decided to start. It took me a while and I will still add things here and there, but I was astonished at how I really didn’t know myself! And honestly I couldn’t get mad, really I was taught to make others happy before myself, remember? Yet I did , but reminded myself to be gentle with myself. A very crucial reminder, one I constantly repeat to myself and others. To the point where my close friends claim I’m getting annoying with this. LOL.

Another very important part of self love is embracing and also loving your shadow self. This one is a hard one I admit. Understanding that our shadow self is also a part of us and a part that helps make us the unique creatures that we are. And understanding the concept of duality. Duality must exist on our earthly plane. Think of the yin and yang. Light needs dark to survive as dark needs light to survive. Our darkness along with our light makes us complete. So digging down and even writing a list of your shadow parts could also help learn parts of you, you never knew existed. And where and how they may have originated from. Once you start the work the answers and information will come in divine timing. For myself the part of my shadow side that disturbed me the most was my anger. I needed to understand the root of it in order for me to start loving it. So the doors of truth opened as I began asking My Guides to show me. Many parts of my childhood and life were shown to me. And from there I started to better understand it. And Through one of my QHHT sessions, My Higher Self  also confirmed that this anger was brought by many past lives as well. It also told me I was and am not yet to know the details of these past lives as I probably will get mad.  So as I said, not an easy part yet a very crucial one. I’m working on it, one layer at a time. Like an onion layer, we must get through one to reach the other.

And if I can do it , I can tell you , it's very possible.


Monthly Chronicle *The First Layer*